
Making a Dinosaur

    "I don't really care about how to make a dinosaur, just as long as it's made and my park is successful, I'm fine. But I do know some main important steps to make one."

"John Arnold is my chief engineer, Robert Muldoon is my old park warden who takes care of the dinosaurs, Dr.Harding is the vet, and Henry Wu is our chief genetist who knows all about the genetic engineering of the dinosaurs we make here."

"I buy a lot of amber because it is useful to  get dinosaur DNA. Millions of years ago, insects were caught in the sticky sap that has now hardened. Dr.Wu extracted some blood out of the fly stuck in the amber and the blood contains DNA of animals that lived many years ago. My expensive Cray XMP supercomputers do the rest of the work like pairing the broken pieces of DNA, and telling what chains to fill."

"After the holes in the DNA chains are filled with another animal's DNA, we would put the dinosaur embryos into special kinds of eggs in the FERTILIZATION ROOM, where they hatch and live in the NURSERY as babies. We must make the dinosaurs because I don't want my dinosaurs breeding by only making female animals. Everything is going on very well. I think Jurassic Park was a perfect idea."

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